Monday, July 17, 2006

Chasing the Sun.....

Well, my karma as it relates to flying continues to haunt me. My flight out of San Francisco was delayed by 45 minutes. All of which I enjoyed while sitting in the plane, on the tarmac, with no air conditioning. I had to make 2 connections, the first in Portland, OR, where I only had a 1 hour lay over. Oh boy.

On the upside, I, uncharacteristically, got to sit next to interesting people. On this leg, I'm seated next to Phyllis, a very attractive and smartly dressed woman. Turns out Phyllis is the Director of Stores for Jessica McClintock (famous dress designer). Phyllis is a native of Newport Beach transplanted after marriage to Portland. She was awesome, aside from being very interesting to talk with, she helped me to know exactly how to get where I needed to go in the Portland airport, as I only had 25 minutes to get to my next flight by the time we landed.

So, we land, I bid Phyllis adieu after exchanging cards, and high tail it to my gate. My plan was to get some actual food in the airport for the flight, but after checking in, I only have time to grab a handful of PowerBars from the closest book shop. Now I'm on Lufthansa, a great airline to be sure, but they do not participate in Economy Plus, so I'm stuck in a normal coach seat, and I steal myself for what will most certainly be a very uncomfortable 8 or 9 hours. I'm again lucky enough to be sitting next to someone interesting. Embarrassing enough, I don't think we ever formally exchanged names. She is an executive with Intel. She is on her way to Moscow to execute a lay off (oh joy). Interesting juxtaposition to the G8 eh? The flight was uneventful. In the world of aviation-based cuisine, Lufthansa isn't bad. I managed to get about 30 minutes of sleep. I saw the sun set and rise again almost immediately, very strange and beautiful indeed.

We arrive in Frankfurt at 8 a.m. At the moment, I'm wishing that Germany is my final destination. My wife and I have shared some of the best moments of our lives in this country. I'm missing my family already and looking forward to the time when we are all able to make a trip here together.


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