Monday, July 17, 2006

Mmmmmmmm...... potatoes.....

A serious diet of fiber and fruit will be in order upon my return. I managed to have a healthy, Euro-style breakfast (breads, cheese, and fruit). However, every other meal has consisted of some kind of pork product supported by a scaffolding of potato pancakes. I'd like to reserve my angioplasty now please. We had lunch at a microbrewery today. The beer was actually very good. Problem is that beer at lunch + jetlag == nap time.

We had an opportunity to see a little more of the town today. The living complexes are huge and most are in need of a serious paint job. We drove through Victory Square, a memorial to WWII veterans and various other landmark sites.

Tonight should be interesting if I can stay awake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your photographer wife would like some photos please : )

9:51 AM  
Blogger Jaybeau said...

I'm working on the photos. I just uploaded to flickr. I'll do tags later. xoxox. Miss you much.

10:38 AM  

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