Thursday, July 20, 2006

Au revoir....mes amis....

I managed to end my stay here in Minsk in appropriate style. Viktor managed to locate the only party in the city last night. We arrived at 11 and the sun was plainly in the sky as we made our way to the parking lot. I'll write the complete experience later. Now, I must leave to the airport.

I was a reluctant participant in this trip, I'll admit. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but there wasn't much attraction there. Having been here for 5 days, I can safely say that I've come around 180 degrees. I love this town. We have been lucky enough to get into business with people whose talent is matched by their hospitality. Viktor has been a most gracious host, giving up a week of his evenings to escort us around town. Val, a good friend of both Eugene and Viktor is a fabulous babe and we hope she comes to America soon. We will miss Eugene while he remains in Minsk and eagerly await his return to the States (so behave yourself in your visa interview Sporty). The team in the Minsk office has been overly patient with me, answering my extensive and most probably annoying questions about their code and process. I'll send them something nice. :-)

Gotta jet (literally). More later.

Signing off from the Eastern block. See you on the other side.


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