Thursday, July 27, 2006

So you think you can dance....

Yeah, I admit it, I watch it (and Project Runway). If Natalie is voted off, I might stop though. :-) Seriously, compared with American Idol the average talent level is amazingly high. I think that it probably has something to do with not being able to fake your way into a dance competition. You either kick but or you don't. Idol has been heading downhill since season one, not surprisingly, as there just isn't a steady supply of Kelly Clarksons being born every year. Like her or not, there's no denying her mad skills. Subsequent winners were entertaining and all of them have a modicum of talent, but even the best of the rest (Clay) has faded into the background. Se la.

I couldn't sleep again last night. Maybe I've become addicted to tranquilizers (how completely weak would that be?). More likely, after being away for a week, my brain sufficiently scrambled by the rapid change in time zones, the pile of projects left undone seems almost insurmountable. As the hours pass, my mountain of trivia expands across the vastness that is my imagination, and as the strength to maintain perspective fades, so do the prospects of sleep. What if global warming continues unchecked? The oceans will rise, my home becoming a reef, my financial future drowned by an unforgiving sea. What about a tsunami? They aren't just for Java ya know. Ugh. How long will this idiot Bernanke keep raising interest rates? Will the conflict in the Middle East continue to widen with the inevitable consequences for humanity and the economy? Personally, I'd agree to anything that Condi Rice asked if it meant that she would stop talking. Who knew anyone could have a speaking style more painful than Dubya? At the risk of sounding anti intellectual, do I really need to hear "status quo ante" one more time? Sheesh. Normally I can listen to NPR and eventually I'll fall asleep. However, world events as of late effect me so deeply that my purpose is defeated. I try my iPod, some Jerry Seinfeld, nope, David Sedaris, nothin'. I give up and switch to earplugs, it's 4:30 a.m. I awake in a dizzy haze at 7:15.

Crap, Natalie is in the bottom two. The other two girls were so good, this could be curtains for my heroine.

Normally, I am able to manage my stress partly by maintaining a healthy perspective on just how lucky I am, but I also try to view my life and the world we live in for what they are; insignificant parts of a universe that is infinitely and simultaneously large and small. I'm a big fan of string theory and quantum mechanics. Some might find this point of view overly depressing or fatalistic. Perhaps. My view is that an honest appreciation for the size and complexity of our universe is healthy and liberating. There are vast numbers of myopic people who spend their entire lives caught up in the battle for real estate that ultimately will belong to no one. A depressing thought juxtaposed to the increasing number of wounded and dead shipped home daily, governments willing to visit unspeakable cruelty on it's citizenry (and those of other nations) in order to enrich the those in power or pursue ideology. I choose to count my lucky stars for being granted this chance to experience any of it in the first place. My goal is to take in as much of it as possible; pain, pleasure, the wonder of it all, life.

We're an arrogant bunch, human beings. Who else would model the God that is supposedly responsible for the creation of a universe 100 million miles wide in his own image? What other species would be so foolish as to think they could actually destroy a planet? Earth Day? Give me a break. Human Race Day is more like it. With all of the evil we are able to visit upon ourselves in this place, the sum total amounts to a pin prick for the rock we call home. Destroy every last living thing, and a few million years from now, life will re-emerge, as it has in the past.

Ultimately, the important thing is that Natalie is safe. Allison was voted off instead (unfairly I might add. As much as I root for Natalie, Allison probably should have won the entire competition). Balancing the 11 dimensions, the futility and joy of being, and Natalie's fate can be challenging, which is why I don't often attempt to explain it. I admit, it makes me sound like a loon on some levels, but those who know me have already reached that conclusion, reducing the risk of such posts to some extent.



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